Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Re: New Dictionary Entry

Via an email I received from a friend:
Is it the guys who ultimately decide against dating further or is it you? I propose a new entry:

Brock Effect, The n. - The resulting effect of becoming single after casually dating and expressing interest in Jon Brock and being subsequently denied because it just would not have worked out. This effect often leads the rejected to what is commonly referred to as "rebounding," the desire to be in a monogamous relationship with whomever will have you to replace the desire one had to be in a relationship with Jon Brock.
I think this is a fair definition, although some edits are needed for clarity. Also, there is too much credit being given to Jon Brock at the end of the definition. Here is my proposed revision:
Brock Effect, The n. - The resulting effect of remaining single (for no relationship ever came to fruition) after casually dating and expressing interest in Jon Brock and being subsequently denied because it would [just not have worked out]. This effect often leads the rejected to move on and find someone with whom they are actually happy.
Can we all agree on this sufficient definition?

1 comment:

  1. no, the other was better considering you changed the ending and thus the whole meaning. Rebounding needs to stay in there!
