Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Senate Republicans Bartering For A "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card

I find it deplorable, and meta-political, that Senate republicans have been seeking to block President Obama's Attorney General nominee, Eric H. Holder, Jr.; they want assurances that the Justice Department will not pursue prosecutions of Bush administration officials for crimes they did commit. I understand that we need to focus our energies on the current crises: the failing economy, the war in Iraq, and our relations with Iran. However, these Republicans clearly want to set a precedent that crimes committed by those in power are above the law, and will face no consequences whatsoever. I know people will tell me to get over it, that it has happened before and it will happen again and again; that doesn't make it 'okay'. If you're not outraged by this political bullshit, then you're clearly not paying attention.

Bush administration policies and practices carry zero accountability.

1 comment:

  1. "If you're not outraged by this political bullshit, then you're clearly not paying attention."

    That, or you're paying too much attention and have grown so cynical that something like this barely even registers an outrage.
