Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Ashamed That I Voted for Barack Obama

That's absolutely false. I did vote for Barack Obama, and I'm not ashamed of it. However, I am keeping in mind that he is a politician, and everything that he does is based in politics. That is to say that I'm not a follower of the seeming cult-like affinity for President Obama. The man is fallible, and will make mistakes.

Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish directed me to an article by Michael Novak over at NRO that shuns President Obama's decisions in his first week.
On January 20, President Obama called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. He also declared his intention to give multiple rights and privileges to homosexual couples.

On January 22, he issued an order announcing his intention to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year, but admits he has not figured out how to do that. President Bush had expressed a similar wish, but could find no nations willing to take responsibility for the detainees.

On January 23, President Obama issued an order that authorizes tax dollars for abortions abroad.
I just want to make it very clear that Michael Novak does not speak for me when he says:
These decisions humiliated those who voted for President Obama because they had been assured, and assured others, that the new president would take seriously the culture of life.
I feel nothing but pride in these decisions, and Novak needs to change the way he words things. President Obama rescinded the Mexico City policy to allow for foreign aid to go to those organizations who need it, regardless of whether or not they perform abortions for women. Novak strongly implies that our aid is going to serve only one function: abort as many fetuses as possible. It doesn't go for educational programs about safe sex, or for better quality medical services. No, it only goes to abort fetuses.

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